Innovation Profs - 8/13/2024

Your weekly guide to generative AI tools and news

Generative AI News - Quick Hits

Tool of the week: Reverie

Reverie is a journaling tool that uses AI to make journal entries from what you say. Here’s how the creator describes the tool:

“Every day, at a time that you choose, you'll receive a phone call - something that takes an active effort to ignore or decline. When you answer, Reverie will say hello, perhaps ask about something in your day, and then leave the floor to you and your thoughts. No need to say anything profound or eloquent; a simple stream-of-consciousness is all that Reverie needs to transcribe and format your thoughts into a beautiful journal entry.”

AI-generated image of the week

It’s Iowa State Fair time here in Des Moines. And it seems that Midjourney has never heard of a corndog.

prompt: iowa state fair corndog

Get starting with Generative AI

New to generative AI? Here are some places to start…

What we found

We’ve written about Deepgram before, but today we’re highlighting its free transcription tool. You can convert live conversations, audio files, or YouTube videos into text. The tool supports over 30 languages and dialects.